VBS 2025 True North (5th Grade Missions)

June 9th - 13th (9am-12pm) | Calling all Adventurers!!!
Kids will have the adventure of a lifetime with interactive stations that celebrate the trust we have in Jesus.

VBS is Monday - Friday from 9am - 12pm (On Friday, we will be done at 12:30pm. 12pm - 12:30pm will be a showcase for parents).

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Registration for 5th Grade Students

This form is specifically for children who are currently enrolled in 5th grade for the 2024/2025 school year. This unique opportunity is designed to engage 5th graders with age-appropriate activities, lessons, and missions off campus, ensuring a memorable experience that aligns with their educational and developmental stage. We're looking forward to providing a vibrant, engaging, and enriching VBS experience for your 5th grader. Join us for a summer filled with learning, fun, and faith!

Child's Information

A picture helps us put a face to the name and enhances security. We highly encourage you to provide one.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.


By registering at this time, you are agreeing to volunteer for VBS. If you cannot volunteer, you will have to wait to register your child in April. If you have already registered as a volunteer on another child's form, please select Already Done.
A picture helps us put a face to the name and enhances security. We highly encourage you to provide one.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
2 & Under Childcare

Please select one option.
Emergency Contact Information

Different than the parent listed above.
Medical Release

Please select one option.
Media Release

Please select one option.
5th Grade Missions Participation Permission and Release Form

Please select one option.
5th Grade Missions Covenant of Conduct

This contract will be in force for all activities for Missions 2023, both on the church campus, during transportation, and at the community service locations. As a VBS Missions participant and representative of First United Methodist Church-RR, students must follow all event/activity rules. Students who fail to comply with these rules may be sent home and not allowed to participate the remainder of the week. By adhering to these rules, the group will run more smoothly and safely.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
*Optional Purchases*

Support VBS

VBS, a program sharing the love of Jesus with children and families, needs your support to continue its important mission. On average, it costs $40 per child to attend each year. Your donation can make a profound impact and help bring joy and faith to young hearts. Thank you for considering supporting this meaningful cause.


June 9th - 13th (9am-12pm)
Calling all Adventurers!!!
Kids will have the adventure of a lifetime with interactive stations that celebrate the trust we have in Jesus.

VBS is Monday - Friday from 9am - 12pm (On Friday, we will be done at 12:30pm. 12pm - 12:30pm will be a showcase for parents).